
Diana is 16 years old, malnourished, pregnant, both back legs have ripped ligaments, one back foot is extremely swollen and she has a broken nose. We don't know exactly what happened to her, but we actually don't wan't to know - it is bad enough as it is now. We are so happy that she was strong enough to survive the birth of her daughter "Layla". We would love to find goodhearted people, who would take over a parenthood for her, so she can finally have a life without pain.

The Options

DO GOOD - Donation

Most of the equines are very ill, weak and thin. They need to be taken care of. The donations will exclusively go to the vet costs, food, but also building simple but secure fences and shelters for the animals.

BE A HERO - Parenthood

Some horses are not yet ready for adoption or are way too old or sick to bear any relocation. If you want to help one specific horse - through parenthood you'll have the opportunity to make a difference in his or her life.


Take him or her home. When they are strong enough for travel you'll have the opportunity to adopt a rescued equine and have a life of fulfillment.

Horse in Need

Restoring hope, building dignity