Be Good



The realtiy is that Horse in Need has literally no income - only expenses. Hay, extra grain food for the thin horses, vet costs, costs for buidling shelter and fences, lease costs, and so on and so on. Therefore whether you give 5€, 50€ or 500€ - every single Euro counts to us - and hence the animals. 100% of your donations go towards Horse in Need.

We can't thank you enough for supporting Horse in Need!

Direct Donation Option

If you like to donate with a direct bank transfer you can use the follwoing details:

HORSE IN NEED (CIF: G42715094)

IBAN: ES36 0049 3340 6927 1403 1260


If you like to donate for a special cause or a special animal you can add the cause or name in the description box.

PAYPAL Donation Options

Durch Veränderungen der Internationaler Bankensicherheit für PayPal können wir derzeit nicht mit unserem Spanischen PayPal-Konto spenden annehmen. Wir arbeiten mit Hochdruck an dem Problem. Leider wird der Bürokratische Aufwand noch etwas andauern. Wir freuen uns natürlich wenn ihr uns weiterhin tatkräftig unterstützt. Es bleibt weiterhin die Möglichkeit per Banküberweißung zu spenden. Due to changes in international bank security for PayPal, we are currently unable to accept donations with our Spanish PayPal account. We are working flat out on the problem. Unfortunately, the bureaucracy will take some time. Of course we are happy if you continue to actively support us. It is still possible to donate by bank transfer.

If you would like to donate as a gift for a special someone, we are happy to create a letter size certificate, suitable for framing, customized for you. Please send us an email with your name and for whom the gift will be, so we can arrange everything according to your wish.

Other Options

BE A HERO - Parenthood

Some horses are not yet ready for adoption or are way too old or sick to bear any relocation. If you want to help one specific horse - through parenthood you'll have the opportunity to make a difference in his or her life.


Take him or her home. When they are strong enough for travel you'll have the opportunity to adopt a rescued equine and have a life of fulfillment.

Horse in Need

Restoring hope, building dignity